In life, we go through many challenges. These challenges effect us in different ways. As we become more conscious, we take control of life in our hands and we do our best to improve the world around us. Many times you have no idea why you are stuck. At this point, you need to take time to heal yourself (your trauma parts) so that you may go through life with all your inner powers and self-confidence.
Humans have been migrating since the beginning of life on planet Earth. We are all human beings and our problems are also 'human problems'. Each one of us is born with gifts of body, mind, and spirit. We all need to grow our understanding and awareness to use these gifts optimally.
Migration is a life-changing event. Willingly or unwillingly you are out of your comfort zone. Leaving your known surroundings and adjusting to a new place brings challenges with it. Adjustments in a different culture at a different place go in phases. In an ideal situation, you keep the responsibility for your private life, your work, and your happiness in your hands and you decide what is good for you and what is not. You determine how you can set your goals and how to achieve them.
After migration, the puzzle may get a bit more complicated. It is important to keep yourself in contact with the people around you. Sometimes you may need more help for yourself to cope with these changes. You may need to improve your existing qualities and skills to be a proud part of your new homeland.

We help you to heal yourself by activating your inner healing powers. Result is that you achieve your health, work, and relationships goals. You become more self-confident and resilient.
If you know your trauma parts, their emotions, thoughts needs and desires then you can work on them. Trauma therapy is sometimes the only solution to get you unstuck and to open new doors to abundant possibilities for you.

Sometimes you want to achieve your goals in outside world and you know that you can do it but you can't take any action. There is something that is preventing you from achieving your goals. There might be a very clear circumstantial reason out where you have no hold for example your migration journey, but also there may not be any reason that you can point outside of you. This can be due to unconscious blockage of your energy that is not flowing in your own rythm.
Iqtesa provides help in form of conversations, new insights, techniques, tools, and methods to facilitate needed change in you. You discover your internal GPS and you learn to develop and trust your intuition.
Hi, my name is Shazia Amer. i was born and raised in pakistan. Moving from Pakistan to the Netherlands and building my identity again was an important life-changing event for me. For many years I have dreamed and struggled to come to the Netherlands and to live with my husband. Once in the Netherlands I worked hard to achieve my status as a working medical doctor again.
I wish there was some help for me that could have saved my years of physical, mental, and emotional struggles. It is my mission to empower people and to provide necessary tools to everyone who is going though challenging life situations.
I created "iqtesa" to help people who want a real change in their lives and they are willing to work on themselves and to improve their vulnerablities. People who want to explore and to build up their hidden qualities and inner powers. Click here to know more about me ....

It was a good experience to work with Shazia. Shazia's motivation and confidence supported me a lot and I learned to learn from failures.

When I began with Dr. Shazia I felt a deep connection with her. She really understands me. I learned to think differently.
Therapy method, costs, and reimbursements)
The first session is an intake interview. After the introduction, you will tell us what you are struggling with and what you would like to change. After this first session, you will immediately experience more control and clarity and feel you are in the right place with me.
Sessie (60 minuten)
- Online €100, (vrijgesteld van BTW)
- Face to face €150 (vrijgesteld vab BTW)
Action plan discussion:
Sessie (60 minuten)
- Online €100, (vrijgesteld van BTW)
- Face to face €150 (vrijgesteld vab BTW)
Tailor-made integrative treatments:
We tailor the guidance completely to your needs. The guidance can consist of conversations, coaching techniques, and therapeutic interventions. The point is that you start feeling the way you want to feel as quickly as possible.
Treatment courses for complex psychosocial en psychosomatic problems
The treatment of complex psychosomatic problems takes place in phases. For the continuity and effectiveness of the therapy, it is advisable to complete the therapy. After the intake, you can choose to continue with individual sessions or to choose a course. A course is not only cheaper, it also guarantees that you will receive a series of consultations and do not have to wait between consultations to get another turn.
* Stabilization phase:
First 3 months, up to a maximum of 12 sessions, 1 session/week + e-learning
Online course => 1000 euros, if paid in advance.
Face to face course => 1500 euros, if paid in advance
* Intensive integrative treatment phase: Every person is unique and has their own process. We tailor the guidance completely to your needs. The guidance can consist of conversations, coaching techniques and therapeutic interventions. The point is that you start feeling the way you want to feel as quickly as possible.
Session (60 minutes)
- Online €100, (VAT exempt)
- Face to face €150 (VAT exempt)
* Implementation phase:
This phase involves consciously integrating new ways of thinking, feeling and doing into daily challenges. This is recommended for at least 3 months. You will receive a maximum of 12 conversations:
Online trajectory => 1000 euros in advance payment.
Face to face trajectory => 1500 euros in advance payment
PS: You can choose to pay online via the links on this page. Or to receive an invoice by email. As soon as we have received your payment, we will contact you and schedule an appointment.
Treatment of complex psychosomatic problems occurs in phases.
After intake, you can choose to go on with individual sessions or to choose a traject. A traject is not only cheaper but it guarantees, that you will get a series of consultations and would not have to wait between the consultations to get your turn again. For continuity and effectiveness of the therapy, it is recommended to complete the therapy.
Stabilization phase:
First 3 months, up to a maximum of 12 sessions, 1 session/week + e-learning
Online traject => 1000 euros, if paid in advance.
Face to face traject => 1500 euro's, if paid in advance
Tailor-made integrative follow-up treatment as needed:
Every person is unique and has their process. We tailor the guidance completely to your needs. The guidance can consist of conversations, coaching techniques, and therapeutic interventions. The point is that you start feeling the way you want to feel as quickly as possible.
Sessie (60 minuten)
- Online €100, (exempt from BTW)
- Face to face €150 (exempt from BTW)
Implimentation phase:
This phase includes conscious integrating of new ways of thinking, feeling and doing in daily life challenges. This is recommended for at least 3 months. You get up to 12 conversations:
Online traject => 1000 euros if paid in advance.
Face to face traject => 1500 euro's if paid in advance
PS: You may choose to pay online via the links on this page. Or to recieve an invoice per email. As soon as we recieve your payment we contact you and plan an oppintment.
Practical know how:
- Iqtesa practice provides ambulant healthcare for complex psychosocial issues and we can't help people who need acute psychological care and hospital admission.
- Our methods provide wonderful, long-term results in preventing psychological emergencies and in keeping people stable. We help you by activating your inner healing powers with the help of modern technieques.
- You are free to choose for IQTESA practice. You do not need a referral. But if you expect refund of your costs you can ask for a referal Ietter from your family doctor.
- I work independently. Your file will not be shared with anyone without your express written permission.
- I am obliged to protect your data in accordance with the privacy rules of my professional association.
PS: Sessions canceled less than 24 hours before the appointment will be charged for time and location costs.
Depending on your insurance and the additional policy, you may be eligible for reimbursement for the therapy. You can request reimbursement from your health insurer. More information or a current state of affairs can be found on the NFG website or on the RBCZ website.